
Nearest Neighbor Day exercise on February, 23rd.

This Sunday, February 23rd, just for fun, we will conduct Nearest Neighbor day. In addition to reporting your ten-ten, adc number, and location, please give us the call, bearing, and distance to your nearest ground wave neighbor.

You can look on the ground wave map and find your station here: K7AZX Map. Zoom in or out by holding your control key and adjusting the wheel on your mouse. Click on the station nearest yours. This will open up QRZ for that station (QRZ login required.) In the QRZ Detail tab for that operator, scroll down to read the exact Bearing and Distance from your QTH to your neighbor.

Net Control

Your Net Control this Sunday Feb 23, 2025 is Jeff Ronay, K7JGR.

Ten Ten News

QSO Party Rules

(Note, 2025 is our 27th anniversary)